Friday, August 17, 2007

The Negro Speaks of Rivers and I, too, sing America

My favorite line in The Negro Speaks of Rivers is "I've known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers". I believe that the rivers are a symbolism of Langston Hughes's heritage. It seems to me that he is talking about his African heritage.

I agree with Angela about the symbolism of the rivers. I think the river in Huckleberry Finn symbolizes a journey, but I also think its symbolizes freedom. It led Jim to freedom after being a slave and it led Huck to freedom from his father.

I really liked I, too, sing America. I like it when he says nobody will dare tell him to eat in the kitchen and they will see how beautiful he is and be ashamed. I believe he is talking about how they'll see how beautiful his soul is and that is what really matters. This shows that Langston Hughes believe that being American did not depend souly upon skin color. It really shows how much he would stand up to support his beliefs.

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